Holiday Inspiration... Barbados

Sunday, 18 October 2015

My boyfriend and I have definitely developed a travel bug after visiting Tunisia last September and Texas throughout January and February. We have even travelled to Paris in April and Spain and Greece in September and now considering a winter vacation near the time of my birthday in November, hopefully to Dubai to celebrate my 22nd. But our most exciting adventure will come next year when we hope to travel to the Caribbean to support my boyfriend's sister whilst she is competing in Barbados. Now I know what you are thinking, flying all the way across the world to support her is so nice of me! Disclosure - *It may or may not have to do with the beautiful sunshine and white sandy beaches*. 

Nonetheless I have never been to the Caribbean before and am totally exciting at the prospect of being able to visit. So I'd love to hear all about your adventures if you've ever been and if there are any activities or places I should visit whilst over there?

Blog soon little ones.