I need...

Saturday, 2 May 2015

Hey little ones, I've been so busy with handing in my dissertation last month and then I was whisked away to Paris to celebrate as my 21st birthday gift. So this is why I am only now finally getting round to writing this post - believe me it has been sitting in my drafts for weeks! I will also post a little about Paris shortly too once I have all the photos organised just to let you know where the best places to shop are.

Moroccan Oil Shampoo & Conditioner - For Christmas santa bought me shampoo and conditioner with moroccan oil, I know this was a really big craze last year so I was very excited to actually try it out. I have seen a huge change in the quality of my hair recently, it has been so much more smooth and shiny with a huge decrease in the amount of frizz that it normally has! 

No7 Contour and Highlighter Brush - I know that everyone has been really into the whole Kim Kardashian contour thing, and if I am being honest I really think done right it can be great. However too many times have I seen contour which is not blended whatsoever. When will people learn, buy this brush and BLEND. It should be natural not fake.

Chanel Vitalumière Aqua Foundation - This foundation is amazing. Its silky and soft on my skin, it lightly covers rather than cakes on and of course its Chanel so buy it now! I have actually been meaning to buy this for ages, but only got round to it on the way to Paris where I picked it up in the duty free. I've been having some breakouts recently and have loved how much the foundation has held on my skin after a long day with still enough coverage over my problem areas. 

GlamGlow Super-Mud Clearing Treatment - There have been so many reviews of this treatment which have raved about how fantastic it is. The mud claims to reduce pores and remove blackheads. Unfortunately I seem never be able to get rid of blackheads, prolonged make-up use has definitely impacted on that, but I really would love to try this to see if treatment is just as good as it says it is. It is quite expensive for a spot clearing treatment, priced at £44.99 for a tub, but if it works I wouldn't be complaining. 

Champneys Luxury Body Brush - So I read a post a while back explaining the benefits of using a body brush, not only does it exfoliate and remove all of the dead skin leaving it super soft but it also increases circulation in your blood giving you some great health benefits. Like the GlamGlow treatment I would really love to try this to see if it really does to what it is meant to. 

What is on your lust list? Leave your links below. 
Blog soon little ones.