I Heart Summer Tag

Sunday 25 August 2013

This tag asks you to answer the questions asked of you, and to pass them onto the next blogger, just like the Liebster Award it is a great way of showcasing new talent and bloggers to follow. I was tagged by the lovely, Niamh from mypetitecloset.

1. Favourite bronzer for summer?
 I'm usually wearing Soap and Glory Solar Power Bronzer.

2. You're relaxing on a hammock on a tropical island, what would you be sipping on?
Frozen Orangina, always drinking that stuff on holiday.

3. Favourite summer lipstick?
I don't wear a lot of lipsticks, anything Chanel looks amazing though.

4. Pool or beach? 
Beach - in love with the sea and sand.

5. Summer = crazy hair, what's your must have styling product?
Sea Salt spray, I am currently using a Tony and Guy version.

6. Sun bathing or fake tanning?
No brainer - sun bathing. Love the feeling of the sun on my skin.

7. Favourite summer nail polish?
Currently obsessed with Shellac. But Barry M High Shine nail polishes are fab too!
8. Any summer traditions? 
Travel home for time with my family.

9. Favourite summer scent?
Love, Chloe by Chloe - funnily enough!

10. Favourite BBQ food?
Chicken Kebabs - my dad always makes the best ones.
11. Favourite summer proof make-up?
Don't tend to wear a lot of make up during summer! 

12. Any summer vacations planned?
Nothing planned right now, hopefully something will turn up soon. Need a holiday. 

I therefore nominate the gorgeous Fiona from foradaydreambeliever. Check out her blog it is a really good read and she is a really lovely person! 

Blog soon little ones! 

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