The Liebster Award

Wednesday 7 August 2013

I was very happily tagged for The Liebster Award by the amazing Elizabeth from elizabethvasquezreveals and from the gorgeous Niamh from mypetitecloset. I felt rude only doing one or the other so wanted to answer both as they obviously took a lot of time to nominate me. I am very grateful that they did. Thank you so much! Please go check out both of their blogs, as I follow them on a daily basis and love reading their content.

So about the award; The Liebster Award is for bloggers with under 200 followers, and these are the rules:
  1. Answer the 11 questions that you the person that tagged you asked.
  2. Choose 11 more bloggers with under 200 followers (no tag-backs) and give the person that tagged you a shoutout as a thank you.
  3. Ask the blogs that you picked 11 new questions.
  4. Contact the people that you tagged to let them know
It is a great way to promote new and upcoming bloggers and get them connected with like minded people who share the same interests as them. 

Elizabeth's Questions:

1. What is your favorite makeup product?
Mascara, or my liquid eyeliner. It's my usual everyday make-up routine!

2. If you could travel to any place in the world, where would you go?
I would love the visit New York, I have never been to the states, so am dying to go.

3. What is something you couldn't live without?
My iPhone or iPad, literally take them everywhere.

4. What is something people may not know about you?
I am a massive book nerd, I would read all day if I could.

5. If you could not use one makeup product for the rest of you life, what would it be?
Eyeshadow, hardly ever use it. Probably because I don't really know how to!

6. What is your favorite drugstore makeup brand?
17 from boots. They always have great make-up for my skin.

7. What is your favorite part about blogging?
Writing down my thoughts and feelings and having someone take the time to read them, it means a huge deal.

8. Describe your style.
Quite laid back, you'll usually find me in skinny jeans and a tee.

9. Who is someone that you look up to?
My mum, she's a tough lady. Very nosey too.

10. What inspired you to begin blogging?
Carrie from Sex and the City. Read the books - loved them. Watched the tv episodes - loved them even more.

11. What is your favorite song at the moment?
Going old school, Sex is on Fire - Kings of Leon.

Niamh's Questions:

1. Why did you decide to start a blog?
I always wanted to write about style and fashion, it's all I've ever been interested in.

2. What is your current skincare regime?
Wash and moisturise. Easy, simple and quick to do.

 3. Who is your celebrity style crush?
I have so many! Currently I am crushing over Ashley Olsen the most, post will follow...

4. If you could travel anywhere in the world where would it be and why?
I already answered this one above, but I would also like to visit Rome, I've heard it's beautiful.

5. What is your favourite high street shop?
Sounds cliche, but probably Topshop or Primark. Although I mostly shop online.

6. Who is the first person you turn to for advice?
My boyfriend, or flatmate Regan. They always know what to do.

7. What would you say is your worst habit?
I'm not entirely sure, when I'm clothes shopping I tend to touch and feel all the clothes, my boyfriend always gets me into trouble for it.

8. What childhood dreams have you fulfilled?
Heading off to University, and pursuing something in Fashion.

9. What new dreams would you like to fulfil?
To get a good job, and have a happy life. 

10. Do you collect anything?
I collect books, and Vogue magazines, you can't actually throw them out can you?

11. What was the best gift you ever received?
My Mulberry bag that my parents bought me for Christmas

11 Little lovelies I am nominating: 

Questions for them: 

1. What's your favourite go to outfit?
2. What's in your bag right now?
3. Where is your favourite place to visit?
4. What are you currently obsessed with?
5. What is your favourite trend from A/W 13?
6. What is your favourite TV program right now?
7. What are you currently playing on repeat?
8. What high street store do you visit most?
9. How much would you usually spend on a shopping spree?
10. Where do you usually shop online?
11. What fashion magazines do you usually read?

Enjoy answering them.
Blog soon little ones!

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  1. Congratulations!!! Love your answers.

  2. Hi, I love your answers, congratulations on your nomination. Thank you so much for nominating me. As I've done this twice before so I would feel a bit odd doing it again, but I will answer your questions here:

    1. What's your favourite go to outfit?
    Well, at the moment, it's my colourful Aztec print skort with a white vest and a blue cardigan. It's comfy, casual and totally summery.

    2. What's in your bag right now?
    I went out yesterday so my bags a bit if a mess. But, right now I have my phone, wallet, bus tickets, lip balm, concealer, bus timetable, an empty juice bottle, keys and my sunglasses. Nothing exciting.

    3. Where is your favourite place to visit?
    I love visiting Jersey as its so close and quite similar to my island Guernsey but it has more shops therefore a bigger variety of places to shop.

    4. What are you currently obsessed with?
    I. Currently obsessed with Rimmel's Nail Nurse. It's a top and base coat which strengthens and moisturises your nails. I am so impressed by it and has really improved the quality of my nails. I don't paint my nails without it anymore.

    5. What is your favourite trend from A/W 13?
    I'm actually quite a fan of the punk trend. It's so 90's and I remember wanting to wear this style of clothes when I was younger. I'd never go full out punk but I like the edgy style.

    6. What is your favourite TV program right now?
    New Girl: it's just so funny!

    7. What are you currently playing on repeat?
    There's a few that I currently really like at the moment. But, I've been hitting repeat on YouTube for Can We Dance by The Vamps. It's really catchy and I won't deny it, I like them.

    8. What high street store do you visit most?
    Probably New Look or Miss Selfridge as there isn't a huge variety of shops where I live.

    9. How much would you usually spend on a shopping spree?
    I try to restrict myself to £60 but I'm usually well behaved when on a shopping spree.

    10. Where do you usually shop online? as it's my favourite clothing site. Effortlessly cool clothing.

    11. What fashion magazines do you usually read?
    I occasionally pick up a Vogue but I always pick up a Company magazine. Is that a fashion mag? I'm not sure, they do have fashion articles in it.

    Thank you again for the nomination! X
