Celebrations #2

Tuesday 16 July 2013

So here is another celebration that I briefly mentioned in my last post, happy 80th birthday Grandad! May you have many more to come.

For the day we invited a big bunch of family and friends to help us celebrate, and cooked up a storm with an enormous BBQ banquet! My dad even specially whipped up some homemade ice cream in classic vanilla flavour and also my grandfathers favourite, ginger. Although it doesn't sound like the most appetising of meals, it actually is really lovely and refreshing.

With the sun shining all day and in the high 20s degree Celsius - which is actually really hot for Scotland, almost like an unseen event - spending the day in the sun with family and friends was the best way to celebrate my Saturday.

What did you do last weekend? Or do you have something big planned already for this coming weekend?

Blog soon little ones.

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  1. Oh yay! Happy Birthday to him! What a great cake.

    1. Thanks very much, he had a brilliant time. And the cake was to die for! :) x
