Holiday Reads

Monday, 28 September 2015

If you didn't know this already I'm a pretty big book enthusiast. I love reading, especially on holiday. It is the best way to relax, soak up the sunshine and completely forget about life for a few hours. As you can imagine I can therefore get through quite a few novels whilst away. I can't say I am a huge fan of a kindle, as I prefer a real book. Weirdly I like breaking the spine - which I have been told by many friends it is a sin. Anyway whilst I was away I managed to get through 6 books, of which these were 2. Whilst away I like to have something light and easy to read, but also something with enough of a storyline that makes you want to read on. 

Olive used to be popular and best friends with Katie (queen B) but this changes after her breakdown. The story begins as a new student joins the class, Miranda, who is accused of killing her parents. Miranda latches onto Katie, doing everything she does even dressing alike and Olive notices this. I'd really recommend this book as it was a real page turner with a lot of twists you didn't see coming. i also enjoyed the development of the characters, although there were points when you wanted to shout at the main character "What are you doing?!". Nonetheless, it was a really exciting and different read to anything I've tried before. 

I picked this up in Asda whilst it was on offer as I liked the look of the cover - I know you're never supposed to judge a book by its cover, but I almost always do and more often than not I am never disappointed. As with this book, I was pretty taken by the young teen style writing. The story follows a girl called Jessie Jefferson who's just found out her real dad is a massive superstar and how she begins to cope with her new life, school and boys. Jessie as a character is very relatable but there are some points you wonder what she is thinking! This is the second in what appears to be a Jessie Jefferson collection, I didn't read the first and still understood this book completely. Don't expect to be completely taken by this, but it is a pretty good relaxing holiday read. 

What have you been reading lately?
If you've got any book reviews link them below. 
Blog soon little ones.