Home Inspiration

Thursday 29 January 2015

As I near the last few months of uni I have been thinking more and more about the future. I love my flat that I am currently in however I cannot wait to finally have my own to call home so that I can decorate it the way I'd like. Recently I have been really loving a grey muted palette which can easily be customised with other colours and ornaments. I have been slowly collecting things I would love for my eventual own home and hope that it will look something like these. 

What is your inspiration?
Blog soon little ones. 


  1. I love all of these home inspo pictures! They're all so gorgeous! I'm totally into grey/white palettes too. If I had to choose one of these homes, I think my favorite is the one in the middle.

    1. I love home inspo photos and am always looking for them! I'd love to have my home look like any of these. Thanks for reading! x
