Christmas Ideas #1

Wednesday 4 December 2013

So I thought I would do some Christmas gift ideas to help you all along with that dreaded Christmas shopping. I absolutely love Not On The High Street for personalised gift ideas, they make presents better for giving and receiving them. It is always nicer to get a present that someone has really put a lot of effort into getting you it.

Gift Ideas For Your Other Half:

I have a boyfriend, for those that do not know, I am not a little lonely girl that sits and blogs all night long. Well, I do that too but usually my boyfriend is sitting next to me. Hi James, if you are reading these aren't the things I have bought you for Christmas, or is it? Anyway, I find buying for boys really difficult, they just don't like the same things as girls too. I understand girls way more so I find it much easier to buy for them. Why don't boys like shoes and make-up, I could easily buy them something like that.

Who doesn't love a cute personal pillow to finally end that row over which side is yours. You can change this to a couple of different sayings to really write what you want.

I totally love all the girly stuff that comes with relationships, and think that this is a really sweet way of showing your loved one what it is you really love about them. You are able to completely personalise this and can have private jokes that only you two know about. Cute.

This is a great idea for anyone that sometimes lets life over take their relationship. It is so nice to have a little jar that you can pick your favourite things to do and put them in there to create date nights that you can do with the one you love. It's a great idea to make time for just the two of you.

How cute is this personalised name card wallet? The perfect present for a grown up guy who needs something a little nicer to hold his cards in. I love the font the name is spelt in too, super chic.

What do you all think of these gifts?
Would you like any of them, or to give them?
Blog soon little ones.



  1. I love that pillow set!! Could seriously do with that I might have to buy - thank you so much for sharing :-) xxx

  2. Love these ideas, especially the pillows haha! Just checked out Not On The High Street, there's so much amazing stuff on there!
    Aileen xx

    1. Not on the high street do some fab gifts! I think I'm going to showcase some more of their stock as I just love everything on the site!

  3. I absolutely love that I love you poster. What a great idea!

    1. I would love to receive this as a gift, I think it is fab! xx

  4. On reading this post these ideas are suitable for newly married couple. Now I looking of Christmas party celebration.
