Flying Low

Tuesday, 26 November 2013

So I have been flying under the radar for a few weeks now, I protest this has been due to manic coursework hand-ins and my recent birthday celebrations. I got the chance to go home over my birthday for a consolidation week - really meant to be used for studying and revision - I managed very little. But alas coursework still had to be done afterwards which resulted in a cram session. ANYWAY that is over now - well for a couple of weeks. And I have the chance to blog again! Happy days.

My 20th Birthday this year consisted of family coming round and eating a large amount of chocolate cake, breakfast in bed, and two toys from the Disney store. Yes, I know I turned twenty, but who wouldn't want a Simba for a Baloo? In the famous words of Joey Essex, "Don't be jel, be reem." How much are we loving him on I'm a Celebrity? I think he is hilarious.

Last Saturday I was back in the lovely Edinburgh and managed to get my little hands on tickets to the Scotland vs Australia rugby match held at Murrayfield. For those of you that do not know, Scotland's reputation in rugby, or any sport for that matter, is rather poor. Nonetheless playing one of the best teams in the world sounded like a laugh, and a interesting night spent.

Okay, I know we did end up losing, but only by a few points! Major result for our team, usually we are trailing by miles of points. I had such a good time and the game was fantastic. There was even a fireworks display and this huge introduction. Very cool Murrayfield.

Did you get the chance to see any of the rugby games for the last weekend? Do you even like sports?
Leave a comment below, I would love to hear from you!
Blog soon little ones.