DIY Make-Up Cleaner for Brushes

Sunday, 21 July 2013

So I'm guessing much like myself, you probably use a make-up brush to apply your concealer and/ or foundation. It always gives me the best over all coverage and even finish. But did you know that to keep your brushes in good working order you need to wash them regularly?

You wouldn't keep putting new make-up on over your old one again and again, would you? That would ruin your skin, and attract spots - which I certainly don't need to encourage any more of! Therefore I try and clean my brushes around once every one to two weeks. 

The two brushes I am washing include a Clinique foundation brush, and a Models Own powder brush which I use to blend. 

Step One: wet the brush tips, keeping in mind to only wet the bristles rather than the whole brush as this will keep the glue firmly set.

Step Two: apply a small amount of every day shampoo straight onto the bristles. I am using the same product I use on my hair, which is Pantene Pro-V Smooth and Sleek for Normal-Thick hair. 

Step Three: massage the shampoo into the brush making sure that you work right into the middle of the brush as this is where the most of the make-up builds up.

Step Four: rinse and then repeat, if required to ensure that all residue is washed away.

Step Five: mould brush bristles back into original shape to dry on a part of toilet roll, or paper towel. And wait until fully dry, which usually takes around a few hours.

Hope this has been helpful incase you ever have to wash your own brushes and needed a little guide in doing so! Let me know how you all get on.

Blog soon little ones.

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