As Uni is finished for the summer this gives me a greater chance to work on the blog and really concentrate on more quality posts which hopefully you will all love. I really appreciate any comments you are willing to leave as it is so helpful to read feedback! Or even if you want to leave your own blogs I'd love to check them out!
Over the last week I've spent my time beginning to move out of my flat in Aberdeen back home to Edinburgh for over the summer. Today I had the chance to catch up with an old friend where we went walking to a reservoir which is just a short while away from my house. On a bright sunny day it is one of my favourite places in the world, and where I spent a large amount of my childhood walking my two dogs with family.
Scotland is highly underrated in my opinion.
Please leave some of your comments on what you think of it, or even if you have any pictures yourself.
Blog soon little ones!