Book Worm

Tuesday 14 May 2013

For those of you who know me well you can testify of how much of a big reader I am. Once I dive into a book I just can't stop and will read all night until I finish it. It really is a nasty habit but somehow gives me great comfort. Whilst I still class myself as a late teen, Young Adults is the section you will most likely find me in, other than fashion of course! To me it always holds the most exciting story lines and I need a bit of action to sink my teeth into when reading a good book. 

Recently I finally got round to reading the "Hunger Games" trilogy and cannot recommend it enough! It kept me at the end of my seat the whole way through and could really relate to the main character, Katniss; she is feisty, opinionated and at some points confused - but aren't we all?. Another series I would recommend to read is "The Lying Game", which is written by Sara Shepard - the same author as the "Pretty Little Liars" collection. It is really exciting and much like her other books it keeps you guessing who the murderer is all throughout. I still don't know and I'm on the forth book! However am anxiously waiting for the next instalment to be released. 

The main reason for this post other than the tangent above is to showcase the new additions to my growing book collection...

Right now I am currently reading two books! I know, some people can barely even read one. But I assure you my second book isn't a heavy one! Currently I am just getting into "The Silver Linings Playbook" which I absolutely adore - much more than I thought I would. I really love Matthew Quick's style of writing in it and will be sure to research into his literature in the future. And the second is a lovely little book detailing the "5:2 diet.

If you haven't heard of this before its consists of you eating normally for five days of the week while the other two only eating a limited number of calories. For us women we are only to eat 500, but the men get a teeny bit more with 600. The object of the diet is to eat normally for a couple of days then fast. Then eat normal again, then fast. You get the picture. Because you aren't starving your body completely it doesn't freak out and go into fat protection mode. So you end up losing weight quite effectively. The diet is designed to work over a long period of time, along with regular gym visits of course.

Don't get me wrong I am perfectly happy with the way I look and my body image, I just feel a couple of things could be tighter here and there, and getting fitter doesn't do anybody any harm.

"Gone Girl" has been in the Waterstones top 100 book list for a while now, and I've heard great reviews from it online. So figured I would take the plunge and try something a little different from the usual genre I go for. Currently I haven't started the book yet but will update you all as soon as I do!

Over the last few weeks my life has been a little hectic with coursework hand ins for uni and exams! However now they are finished, and I couldn't be happier to get back into my normal routine and begin blogging again.

I fully believe in the quote which came with my Waterstones bag...

I love having a large collection of books and novels, and regularly find myself buying new additions. It has almost become an obsession of mine - I cannot wait to finish the book I am reading so that I can go out and buy more. Books give me a great sense of joy and pleasure and believe everyone should have a chance for this in their lives. A good book can transport you a million miles away and make you forget about the problems you are facing in the world. Always read the book before you go see the movie. There are so many details film makers leave out which are vital to the plot.

I hope you too enjoy books as much as I do and leave some comments with the current things you are reading!

Blog soon little ones.

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