2015 Travel Wishlist

Friday, 16 January 2015

Ever since I got the opportunity to go to Tunisia last year on holiday I have started to get the bug to travel. I love flying to new places and would really love the opportunity to see some new cities this year. I already have a few places planned and booked which I cannot wait for. Hopefully 2015 will bring about a change where I can get a good graduate job and be able to afford all of these! My granny got me this fantastic travel wallet for my 21st birthday back in November so I really excited to finally get the chance to use it. 


My first stop during 2015 is Texas, currently my boyfriend is out there working for a few months which gives me the perfect opportunity to go and visit him. I haven't ever travelled to America so I am so excited just to go. I am flying next Thursday so this cannot come quick enough. I will be visiting Fort Worth but hope to return again to see other cities within the state. 


I already posted about my trip to Paris a while back which you can find here. We are going at the end of April which will be quite a trip, it was originally planned for my 21st birthday but it will also celebrate handing in my dissertation and we will be leaving for Paris on my boyfriend's birthday too. Safe to say I cannot wait to go visit, I have never been to France never mind Paris!


I can't ski yet I am planning a skiing holiday. It's something that I really regret not learning whilst I was younger, so aim to learn this year. I would love to go away over new year and rent out a Chalet with friends where I could really get the chance to learn properly, in the mean time I will have to stick to the dry slopes in order to practise. 

I am beginning to look for other places I would like to visit too - possibly as a summer holiday.  I would love to try Montenegro or possibly Denmark. I'd really love to visit Reyjkavik in Iceland as it is meant to be beautiful. Where are you looking to go on holiday this year? Or do you have any suggestions on where I should consider?

Blog soon little ones.