I am a huge lover of Pinterest. You can regularly find me scouting for new images and inspiration relating to fashion, lifestyle, homewear even food! I have pretty much adopted it as a shrine to all things beautiful. Anyway in my quest for new inspiration I stumbled across this list which details the ultimate French wardrobe - and the French always do fashion well so who can say this is wrong?
Cleaning out my wardrobe is something I have really been meaning to do for a long time. I have a huge number of pieces that I never wear because they don't fit properly or I just don't like them, but somehow still can't part with them. Well I say no more. A fashion intervention is needed. My aim is to throw out all of my ill-fitting clothes such as jeans, trousers and tops which no longer fit in the way they should. Obviously I will either sell some piece via eBay or donate to a local charity shop. Key investment pieces is what I will look for rather than cheap sale items that somehow always fall into my basket. If I can't see myself wearing it in 3 years then is shall not be bought! Bold words I know - lets just see if I can stick to it!
Do you have a wardrobe full of things you never wear?
Blog soon little ones.
I love pintrest this was such a lovely post x
I am always on Pinterest - I'd love to follow you? :) Thanks for reading x
DeleteI've been doing a lot of reading about French inspired closets lately. Choosing quality over quantity and sticking to what looks best on you rather than what is the current trend. I also plan on doing a major fashion overhaul.
I'd love to read a post about your fashion overhaul! It's good to now I'm not the only one thinking of doing it. Thanks for reading x